random acts of kindness


We made smile tags to tag someone else so that they could be kind too.

 We also made business cards. We are the ambassadors of loyalty and co-operation.

Loyalty means standing by friends no matter what they do. Co-operation means getting on with people. Recently in class we have been trying out some kindness ideas to create a better world by sharing and being good. 

We have lots more ideas to try out and we’ll tell you about them later.


Every Wednesday I do Taekwondo outside school I am a yellow belt green tag.I have learned taget 1 and taget 2 and rising kick turning kick and half turning kick.I have also learned houres riding stance.I also like back kick,spinning front kick and jumping front kick.I love taekwondo.

Welcome To My ePortfolio


I am going to use this blog to tell you about my Learning Journey. I’ll add all my achievements from inside and outside school.  I’ll also add some news about what’s happening in my life. Click on the ‘Categories’ section in my sidebar to find out more.